Friday, June 21, 2013

A Handwriting Story

It was only after looking at it this closely that I realized, at this point in my life, my handwriting looks so much like Elmer's.

When me and him were six, every day in class we'd have to practice tracing over letters and U.S states to improve our handwriting. I seriously don't know why the teacher didn't separate us, because every day he'd be writing speedy-fast to make me mad and I'd be writing speedy-fast to catch up with him and he'd look over at my paper and I'd look over at his paper and he would beat me by a single split-second, every single day. We would jump up noisily at almost the same instant, rush over and give it to the teacher, while the rest of the class was still on the 'W' of 'Wisconsin'.

Because of this, we both just have really shoddy handwriting.

Since you only ever hear from me by blogging, you only ever hear my voice in one font. I posted this so that, the next time I blog something, instead of imagining a grumpy teenage tree monster typing away in the dark by itself, you can imagine a six-year-old girl shoving her best friend off his desk and writing the word 'Mississippi' on the dotted line with a hurried wrist and a chewed-up broken Ticonderoga pencil.

I still like Elmer's handwriting better.

That stupid kid...

1 comment:

  1. You have nice handwriting. You kids and your thinking your penmanship is bad. It's like you've never seen bad handwriting.
